Friday, 9 March 2012

Big Mistake. Huge.

Ahhh, nothing quite beats the feeling you get when you realise you've monumentally cocked something up. I realised this on Monday after half an hour of Jillian Michaels busting my balls while I pranced around my parents' living room to a series of embarrassingly difficult cardio moves. 
It was a rookie mistake - I had rested my knee for a couple of days and was feeling guilty for not running. It was still a little painful but instead of taking the advice of seasoned running pro's and resting it, I cracked on with a bit of Shred
Anyway, four days later and it's still not right - stupid knee of doom.

To try and feed my new running addiction while I'm out of action, I went into Up & Running in Harrogate to look at all the pretty running shoes. The very helpful man told me to go back when my knee is a little bit better and I can have a pop on the swanky treadmill - apparently it will tell me all that is wrong with my feet so they can recommend the right trainers. I have my eye on a really cute pair of New Balance 749s, but he assured me that the right pair for me would undoubtedly be the ugliest pair in the shop - because life is a bit of a shit like that. I appreciated his honesty but it left a slightly sour taste - taking the (giant) leap from fashion to functionality might be a little more tricky than I first thought.

After test-running this blog out on a couple of regular runners, it was brought to my attention that I haven't actually mentioned the charity we will be raising money for during our training for Tough Mudder. It seems even more apt and very much close to home after the recent untimely deaths of six servicemen in Afghanistan. Help for Heroes is a great charity which supports wounded members of our armed forces on their return to civilian life, and the whole Raw team is thrilled to be able to show our appreciation in this small way.

When our team entry is finalised we'll be creating a JustGiving page where donations can be made if anyone would like to. The event is still quite a way away though and I'm sure most people will want to see a bit more blood, sweat and tears on my part before they let the moths out of their wallets.

Sam x


  1. Hey, stumbled on your blog and saw this post about your knee. I ran the Cardiff Half Marathon last October - my training was going really well until the end of August and then I started having knee problems. I rested as long as I could bear it but tried to keep up my training as much as possible - in hindsight I didn't rest it enough. I was fine on race day until the just before the 7 mile mark when my knee gave in again - tried to carry on running but couldn't do it and had to walk the last 6 and a bit miles to the finish.

    Try cycling or swimming instead - they'll improve your stamina but will have less impact on your joints. You've still got plenty of time so make sure you give your knee a good rest or you'll only make it worse.

    Good luck with the challenge - I'll be keeping an eye on the blog to see how you're getting on! :)

    1. Thank you! It helps knowing I'm not the only impatient one! I love swimming and cycling, so definitely going to use them to try and improve the strength in my knees. I hope you're still running after all that?

    2. You just need to lose the guilty feeling when you're injured! It's different when you're carrying a knock - just occupy yourself with other training methods.

      I haven't been running since then - I'm just starting to get back into training after the Christmas and New Year indulgences and I'm waiting for the weather to warm up a bit before I start running again!
